The Skull And Crossbones Can Still Be Seen On Tybee Island!
When visiting Savannah, you just got to visit beautiful Tybee Island. Tybee is a barrier island located on the coast of Georgia, a scenic 25 minute drive from Savannah's Historic District. You'll pass Fort Pulaski on the way. I've been visiting this gorgeous island since I was a little kid.
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The Euchee
Tybee's original inhabitants were The Euchee, a native American tribe known to have been fierce and bitter enemies of The Cherokee Nation. When the Cherokee attacked the Euchee city of Chestowee in Eastern Tennessee in 1714, many Euchee migrated to parts of Georgia, including Tybee Island. They were named Tsoyaha , or "Children Of The Sun" by neighboring tribal nations. Tybee is the Euchee word meaning Salt. "In 1520, the Spanish arrived and named the island Los Bajos. It was at the northern end of the Guale missionary province of Spanish Florida. With the arrival of White Europeans came Eurasian Infectious Diseases to which they had no immunity, and to war with the Cherokee, who were moving into their territory. After the American Revolution, Euchee people maintained close relations with the Muscogee Creek Confederacy. Some Euchee migrated south to Florida along with the Creek, where they became part of the newly formed Seminole people. In the 1830s, the US government forcibly removed the remaining Euchee, along with the Muscogee Creek, from Alabama and Georgia to Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma), west of the Mississippi River. The Euchee settled in the north and northwestern parts of the Creek Nation.

During that time the island was frequented by pirates who used it as a hideout. Pirates later used the island's inland waterways for a fresh water source. Edward Teach, otherwise known as Blackbeard, was perhaps the most notorious of all Pirates. Many still believe that he may have buried some of his booty here although most think the main stash was near Ocracoke Island, North Carolina. The nickname Blackbeard derived from his thick black beard and fearsome appearance; he was reported to have tied lit fuses (slow matches) under his hat and lit colored candles in his beard to frighten his enemies. Later descriptions mention that his thick black beard was braided into pigtails, sometimes tied in with small colored ribbons. A British Naval Officer once described Blackbeard as "such a figure that imagination cannot form an idea of a fury from hell to look more frightful". Despite his ferocious reputation though, there are no verified accounts of his ever having murdered or harmed those he held captive. Apparently, he didn't need to. Blackbeard understood the value of appearances; better to strike fear into the heart of one's enemies, than rely on bluster alone". Love It! Reminds of an old time tested truism, "Power Perceived Is Power Achieved".

With the founding of South Carolina in 1670, warfare increased between the English and their pirate allies and the Spanish and their Native American allies. In 1702, James Moore of South Carolina led an invasion of Spanish Florida with an Indian army and a fleet of militia-manned ships. The invasion failed to take the capital of Florida, St. Augustine, but did destroy the Guale and Mocama missionary provinces. After another invasion of Spanish Florida by South Carolina in 1704, the Spanish retreated to St. Augustine and Pensacola; and the Sea Islands were depopulated, allowing the establishment of new English settlements, in this case, the 13th and last colony, Georgia.

As with most of the East Coast of The United States, these days, Tybee Island is a portrait of contradictions. Yes, there is the modern development, but parts of Tybee still have that old time feel, with great beaches, restaurants and bars, small shops, an old Lighthouse, fishing and water sports, beautiful architecture and colorful homes and cottages. I recommend you perhaps have a ride around, then pick a spot, park and explore it on foot.
The following are some of my favorite places on Tybee Island:
Huc-A-Poos: There's an little spot on Tybee that kind of reminds me of Old Virginia Key in Miami, where we used to hang out at the legendary Jimbo's Shrimp Camp. Huc-A-Poos sits within a little cloister of tiny multicolored shops set back from the main drag, a definite hold out from modern development. Huc-A-Poos is a bar with some pretty great food. They describe themselves as "An Unfussy Roadhouse". Now, down here in the Savannah area, "Unfussy" is a way of life. A friend of mine, well she goes crazy for the Hellcat Hot Dog. They have awesome pizza too, like my favorite, with Pork Belly. The Beer and Drinks flow like the tide. A Coastal Southern classic for sure.

Tybean Coffee is next door, across from a real live Hot Sauce Store, Inferno Hot Sauce.

2. Oh My, only Tybee could have a local institution with this name, it's Gerald's Pig & Shrimp!
Ok, I'll be honest with ya folks, Gerald's Pig & Shrimp has quite possibly the best Fried Shrimp I've ever tasted, and believe me, I've eaten lot's of Shrimp all over the world. I'll bet it's the way they get em right off the boat and love em right up to when you put em in your hungry mouth. The Low-Country Boil, the Low-Country equivalent of The New Orleans Crayfish Boil is one of the best I've had. The Pulled Pork is to die for. Fresh Fish, Shrimp Po Boys, Ribs and Brisket too. Oh Yeah..

Low Country Boil At Gerald's Pig & Shrimp
Tybee Island Structures, colorful and old time

Take A Dolphin Adventure!
The waters off Tybee Island are rich in marine wildlife, including those beautiful and intelligent Dolphins. Nothing beats going out on a boat with Captain Derek on his Dolphin Adventure. Private tours are available, couples can have quite a date afternoon together. Recommended By Spooky Steve. Check it out! Great value. 5 Star Rated!

Yeah, I wasn't kidding was I? These are just a few of the things to do on Tybee Island. Come on out and have a good time, you won't regret it. If you need further information on things to do on Tybee Island, click here: https://visittybee.com/
